Storytelling is a combination of native talent and practiced art: Extreme curiosity, the ability to dig, and the creativity to develop and deliver a powerful narrative with a strong message. I enjoyed my long run in journalism and now I’m interested in telling your stories. I’m also available for mentoring.

An idea comes from a creative spark of imagination. A concept evolves from evaluating all of the storytelling resources that could be brought to bear to give context, depth and drive message. It requires a clear statement of goals and the ability to stay focused on the message, yet remain flexible.

Curation occurs at the intersection of concepts and resources. With a well defined concept in place, the search and research for available written and visual resources begins. The task is to edit the resources tightly so they clearly communicate the message without extraneous words or visuals. Many times original writing is necessary to tie headlines to visuals, enhancing communication and polishing the project.

The interplay of visuals, headlines, and multi-media must work together to deliver a quick, easily consumed message. The challenge is breaking the message down to discern the most effective media and platforms. Every resource must be used creatively and edited leanly..

COMMUNITY: Outreach/Organizng
• The real power in effecting positive change is community engagement. In Spokane, Washington, The Spokesman-Review crusaded against white supremacists. It organized a community campaign called “Too Great to Hate”, that included public forums and living history lectures by Flip Schulke, Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal photographer.
• After the shootings at Columbine High School, and a local high school shooting, The Spokesman-Review hosted meetings (with pizza) for “students only” at area high schools. Students wrote their experiences with bullying. They were published anonymously in the newspaper.
• For five years I served as director of The Kalish, the premier visual editing workshop in journalism. Responsibilities included everything from securing speakers to dinners to logistics.
• Speaker at many professional and community events large and small.