Tennessee residents have three days to register to vote in the 2016 primaries. Mississippi residents have until February 27.
©By Scott Sines
Your vote is particularly important in this primary season because there are so many critical issues on the ballot. The local newspaper recently had the following two news items on the same page.
In Pearl River County, Miss., a pair of fathers and sons got into a shootout at a gun shop over a 25$ service fee. The owner and his son died. The customer with the beef over the fee and his son were both wounded. The Sun Herald.
In Nashville new data shows that guns are more lethal than cars in Tenn. The Center for Disease Control says 1,020 Tennesseans died from gun shot wounds in 2014. The Tennessee Department of Safety reports 906 traffic fatalities over the same period. Chattanooga Times Free Press.
So guns kill more people in Tennessee than car accidents. Unbelievable. Ask yourself if gun control is an election issue. Find out where your candidate stands below: