San Antonio has over 250 sunny days a year. The average low temperature in the winter is in the high 40s. It’s about 150 miles from the border so it has a regular flow of immigrants. It’s a perfect destination city for homeless people.
The First Presbyterian Church was one small block from the newspaper office. It opened its doors to homeless people and every day I would see them gather as I went into to work. To make a long story short I started spending the slow evenings at the shelter. It looked something like this.
Shelter volunteers get their instructions for the evening from a church official. Guests at the shelter got a bologna and cheese sandwich on white bread, coffee and a clean towel for the showers.
This fellow had just finished his sandwich, was working on his coffee and had his shower towel tucked in his raincoat.
I only saw this girl at the shelter one time.
Men and women had separate sleeping quarters in the basement of the church. The gym could hold nearly 100 men.
Everybody needs somebody even in a homeless shelter.
The shelter closed officially at 10pm but I never saw them turn anyone away.