One event in the weeklong San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo is a beauty contest. At that time Joe and Harry Freeman Coliseum had no air condition, so the beauties huddled in front of fans.
Darson and Tille Persyn ran a small vegetable and flower farm right off I-35 just south of San Antonio. I had to pass by there on my way back from Mexico and I always stopped. If my timing was any good I got dinner.I was fortunate to have the opportunity to wander around take pictures and get paid for it. I never got tired of it. These are just some random pictures taken over time. There are captions where needed.
I passed an oil tank farm everyday on the way to work at the San Antonio Express-News. One summer they were priming and painting the tanks.
Members of a high school band rest before the Battle of Flowers Parade. It routinely attracts crowds of more than 350,000. The Battle of Flowers is the only parade in the United States produced entirely by women, all of whom are volunteers. The original purpose of the Parade, was to honor the heroes of the Alamo.
I was exactly the wrong person to send to a ramp show.
This is just a grab shot going up the stairs from the Riverwalk to Commerce Street.