R.I.P. George H.W. Bush


©Scott Sines

I have a George H.W. Bush story to share. It’s inconsequential in the course of history but important to me today. When I was working in San Antonio in the 80’s Presidents and Presidential candidates came through town on a regular basis. H.W. was in town for some reason and I think he was speaking at the brand spanking new Hyatt Regency Riverwalk.

I was assigned a spot for my newspaper in the press pool. I was running late, of course I was running late and I still do. Access to the banquet room was screwed down tight by the time I got there but I found an elevator between the laundry and the kitchen that was open. I rode up to the second or third floor and came clambering out of the elevator right into H.W. and a handful of secret service agents. I was horrified, but he just laughed. He asked me what I was doing there and I told him I was running late to cover his speech. He laughed some more, nodded toward the door and said “Well you better get going.” He was a very good man.